Jacket Measurements
Neck circumference

Measure around the lower part of the neck. Put one finger between
the measuring tape and the neck.
Value: _________
Shoulder width

Measure between the outermost edges of the shoulders. Good
reference points for the start and end are the seams on the edge of
the shoulders. Measure across, close to the lowest part of the shirt
Value: _________
Chest circumference

Measure around the chest where it is largest, right across the
nipples. Breathe normally. Note that this measurement should be
taken with a finger inside the measuring tape.
Value: _________
Stomach circumference

Measure around the stomach, in line with the navel. Breathe
normally. Note that this measurement should be taken with a finger
inside the measuring tape.
Value: _________

Measure around the largest point of the buttocks. Note that this
measurement should be taken with a finger inside the measuring
Value: _________
Jacket length

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure straight down to
the middle of the thumb, or where you want the jacket to end.
Breathe normally.
Value: _________
Shirt length

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure straight down to
the middle of the thumb, or where you want the shirt to end. Breathe
Value: _________
Shirt length

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure straight down to
the middle of the thumb, or where you want the shirt to end. Breathe
Value: _________

Measure around the widest part of the bicep. Let your arm hang
relaxed down by your side. Note that this measurement should be
taken with a finger inside the measuring tape.
Value: _________
Jacket sleeve length

From the outermost edge of the shoulder, same point as the
shoulder measurement, measure down to the start of the thumb.
The arm should hang straight down.
Value: _________
Shirt sleeve length

From the outermost edge of the shoulder, same point as the
shoulder measurement, measure down to the start of the thumb.
The arm should hang straight down. For best style, ensure your
shirt sleeve length is about an inch or 2 cm longer than your jacket
sleeve length.
Value: _________

Measure around the wrist directly below the wrist joint. Note that
this measurement should be taken with a finger inside the
measuring tape.
Value: _________
Waistcoat length

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure straight down to
the waistline of your trousers. Measured this way the waistline of
the trousers will be right below the lowest button on the waistcoat.
Value: _________
Dress coat front length

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure straight down to
the waistline of your trousers.
Value: _________
Morning coat front

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure straight down to
the middle of the thumb.
Value: _________
Coat tail length

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure down to the back
of your knee, or where you want the tail to end.
Value: _________
Frock coat waistline

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure down to the navel,
or where you want the frock coat waistline to be.
Value: _________
Frock coat length

Start at the middle of the shoulder. A good reference for the starting
point is the shoulder seam of your shirt. Measure down to the top of
your knee cap, or where you want the frock coat to end.
Value: _________
Trouser measurements

This measurement determines the waistline of your trousers.
Measure around the waist, at the point where you want your
trousers to rest. Take this trouser measurement first, as some other
measurements use the waist point as reference. If you are wearing
a belt, remove it for this measurement. A helpful tip is to wear a pair
of trousers that fit you well at the waist.
Value: _________

Measure from the desired waistline in the front to the desired
waistline in the back. If in doubt about the tightness of this
measurement, take it while wearing a pair of trousers that fit you
Value: _________

Measure around the largest point of the buttocks. Note that this
measurement should be taken with a finger inside the measuring
Value: _________

The thigh measurement should be taken level with the lowest point
of the U-measurement. At this point, measure around the thigh.
Note that this measurement should be taken with a finger inside the
measuring tape.
Value: _________
Leg length

Measure down the outside of the leg. Start at the desired waist level
and measure down to where you want the trousers to end. We
strongly recommend taking this measurement with shoes on. A
good reference for the end point is the top of the heel of your shoe.
If you are not wearing shoes, measure down to the ground.
Value: _________
End of trouser leg circumference

This measurement determines the circumference of the trousers.
This measurement is taken at the bottom of the trouser leg. Note
that this measurement should give the circumference of the trouser
leg, not your ankle.
Value: _________